Nicole Nau (born January 30, 1963 in Düsseldorf) is a German dancer of Tango Argentino and Argentine folklore.
Video Nicole Nau
After studying graphic design Nau first worked for advertising agencies before she settled in Argentina to be formally instructed as a professional dancer. In 1990 she had her first appearance in Café Homero to be followed by an engagement as a dancer in the opera MaratónTeatro Colón opera house in Buenos Aires.
In 2002 she had her premiére with the tango opera Orestes - Last Tango, which was created in a co-production with the WMTF Festival of Holland. It was here that she danced with Luis Pereyra for the first time who is her husband and dance partner now.
In co-operation with Luis Pereyra she produced El Sonido de mi Tierra, Bailando en Soledad, Secretos de la Danza, El Color de mi Baile and Tango Puro Argentino y Mas. In 2007 they reopened as the artistic directors the renowned tango theater Café de los Angelitos in Buenos Aires. In 2010 they are artistic directors at the Viejo Almacén and 2011 in Aqui Folklore.
She went on tours through Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Germany, Japan, Russia, The Netherlands, Austria, and Switzerland as well as Great Britain and Canada. Since 2012 she is on tour with her own company El Sonido de mi Tierra - The Great Dance of Argentina, directed by Luis Pereyra.In 2016 the company is renamed El Sonido de mi Tierra - VIDA! ARGENTINO
Nau does the costume design for several Tango Argentino and Folklore Argentino productions.
Nau has published her book "Tanze Tango mit dem Leben at Bastei Verlag Lübbe at Frankfurt Buchmesse, 11.10.2013. The second edition has been printed in January 2014
Maps Nicole Nau
- Nicole Nau: Tanze Tango mit dem Leben. Bastei Lübbe Verlag, Köln 2013, ISBN 978-3-404-60756-3.
- Nicole Nau-Klapwijk: Tango Dimensionen, Kastell Verlag GmbH 1999, ISBN 978-3-924592-65-3.
- Nicole Nau-Klapwijk: Tango, un baile bien porteño, Editorial Corregidor 2000, ISBN 950-05-1311-0
Merits and tributes
- 1993: COMFER, Comité Federal de Radiodifusión, awarded her and her former partner Ricardo for their cultural contribution, handed over by León Guinsburg
- 2000: a stamp of their own based on a photo taken by Máximo Parpagnoli, issued by the Argentinian postal service commemorating tango´s 100. birthday (first issued on 11 November 2000).
- 2001: a second stamp with the same photo and a new motif, issued by the Argentinian postal service on behalf of Japanese-Argentinian friendship on the occasion of the world stamp exhibition in Japan (first issued on 28 July 2001).
- 2012: Tango Puro Argentino y Más has been declarded as De Interés Cultural by Secretaría de Cultura de la Presidencia de la Nación, Ref.Expete.S.C.Nro 6020/12
- 2014: Nicole Nau & Luis Pereyra Company is nominated as Member of the International Dance Council CID | UNESCO by CID Präsident Dr. Alkis Raftis
- 2016: VIDA! ARGENTINO - El Sonido de mi Tierra has been declarded as DE ALTO INTERÉS ARTISTICO Y CULTURAL, Dirección General del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto el día 31 de mayo 2016, NOTA DICUL 273/2016
DVD and CD
- 2004: Curso de Tango & Folklore Argentino. ICARO Producciones. Nicole Nau & Luis Pereyra
- 2004: El Sonido de mi Tierra. ICARO Producciones. Nicole Nau & Luis Pereyra
- 2007: Bailando en Soledad Tango. DVD of the performance. Nicole Nau & Luis Pereyra
- 2008: Secretos de la Danza. music of the Show, CD, Nicole Nau & Luis Pereyra
- 2011: Tango Puro Argentino & Más, Show, DVD, Nicole Nau & Luis Pereyra. Apollo Varieté Theater Düsseldorf. Guido Gayk
- 2012: Tango Puro Argentino & Más - with extraordinary company, DVD, Nicole Nau & Luis Pereyra and other artists. Theatre CCBorges. ICARO
- 2012: El Sonido de mi Tierra, DVD, Nicole Nau & Luis Pereyra. Extraordinary company, Theatre Lünen Stadttheater. CAMEO
- 2012: Nuestro Tango, Tutorial Video, DVD, Nicole Nau & Luis Pereyra. Guido Gayk
Appearances (in selection)
- 1993: Maratón, directed by Jaime Kogan, Teatro Colón, Argentine
- 1994: Festival Cosquín 34 edition - Argentina
- 1994: Festival Villa Allende with Susana Rinaldi
- 1996: Tour with Dala Sinfoniettan, Sweden
- 1997: Japón ´97, Japan
- 1999: WMTF Festival Holland, the Netherlands
- 2003 - 2006: Viejo Almacén, traditional tango theater
- 2009: Argentinísima, los 40 años, Julio Márbiz, choreography Luis Pereyra, Buenos Aires
- 2011: Misa Criolla at the place of the Monumento a la Bandera, Rosario Argentina. Choreography, Dance and Percussion. Artists: the tenor Zamba Quipildor and Luis Lima.
- 2011: Misa Criolla at the Plaza Mayor of Monte Grande Argentina. Choreography and Dance. Live transmission on TV by the Argentine channel C5N. Artists: Zamba Quipildor and the Oscar winner Soledad Villamil.
- 2011: 7 Festival Internacional de Tango in Justo Daract, San Luis, Argentina. Choreography, Dance and Artistic Director for the Viejo Almacén. Live transmission by the Argentine Television Channel 26. Artists: Hugo Marcel and Nelly Vázquez.
- 2012: Festival de la Chacarera, Santiago del Estero
- 2012: Carabajalazo in the City Center Rosario
- 2012: SWR 3 Germany, Menschen der Woche, Frank Elstner
- 2012: Performance in Laferrere with Chaqueño Palavecino, live on TV C5N
- 2012: Tango Puro Argentino y más! in Rio Turbio
- 2013: Festival Cosquin with Claudio Pereyra Cordoba
- 2013: Festival Cosquin Interpretation Vidala para mi Sombra with Oscar El Chaqueño Palavecino Cordoba
- 2013: Viejo Almacen in Buenos Aires, special guests in the running since February 2013
- 2013: Das Traumschiff, show on MS Deutschland
- 2013: DAS! Abendmagazin, NDR TV Live Show 27.9.2013
- 2013: Tour 2013 El Sonido de mi Tierra - The great dance of Argentina. Premiere 29.9.2013
- 2014: Presentation of the book of Nicole Nau Tanze Tango mit dem Leben in the German embassy, Buenos Aires Deutschen Botschaft Buenos Aires. The event was organized by embassador Graf Bernhard von Waldersee and his wife Gräfin Katerina von Waldersee.
- 2014: Tour in Europe VIDA
- 2015: Tour in Europe VIDA, World Forum Amsterdam
- 2016: Bayerischen Filmpreis, with actors as Bruno Ganz, Till Schweiger, Uschi Glas
Own productions (in selection)
- 2002: Orestes - Last Tango, tango opera, choreography: Oscar Araiz, a co-production with WMTF Festival Holland
- 2004 - 2005: El Sonido de mi Tierra, Choreografy Luis Pereyra - - Europe (e.g., Tonhalle Düsseldorf, Königliches Tropeninstitut Amsterdam (KIT), Teo Otto Theater Remscheid, NDT Den Haag)
- 2006: Bailando en Soledad, choreography Luis Pereyra - Europe, Argentine
- 2007: Secretos de la Danza, choreography Luis Pereyra, Dramaturgy Julio López - Europe, Argentine
- 2009: El Color de mi Baile, choreography Luis Pereyra - Europe, Argentine
- 2007 - 2010: Theatre Café de los Angelitos - El Tango, artistic direction, choreography Luis Pereyra - Buenos Aires
- 2010-2011: El Viejo Almacén Artistic Direction -Argentina
- 2011: Tango Puro Argentinogira por Europe
- 2011: Aqui!!! Folklore Teatro Astral, Buenos Aires Argentina. Co Dirección Artística con Luis Pereyra. Artistas: Cuti & Roberto Carabajal, El Chaqueño Palavecino, Suna Rocha, Zamba Quipildor, Leopoldo Federico, Mario Alvaréz Quiroga, Julia Elena Dávalos. Una creación de Julio Márbiz
- 2012: Tango Puro Argentino on board of the cruise ship MS Deutschland, Traumschiff. Artists: Carlos Galvan
- 2012: Cronica TV - Argentinisima La Peña de Martin Marbiz Artistic Direction of the TV Programm since 18.3.2012
- 2012: Tango Puro Argentino y más! artistic direction, costume design and dance. Premiere in the Centro Cultural Borges, Buenos Aires on 17 June 2012 Further Tour through Europe, as Berlin Tipizelt, Theaterhaus Stuttgart, Konzerttheater Coesfeld
- 2013: El Sonido de mi Tierra artistic direction, costume design and dance. Premiere in Teatro Sala Siranush, Buenos Aires 9 February 2013
- 2013: Viejo Almacén, artistic direction since June 2013
- 2014: Festival Cosquin Edition 54. Presentation with the own company El Sonido de mi Tierra.
- 2014 y 2015: Tour through Europe with the own production VIDA, in over 70 venues, such as Musical Dome Köln, Colloseum Essen, Philharmonie München, Theaterhaus Stuttgart, World Forum Den Haag, Kampnagel Hamburg
- 2017: Tournee in Europe with "VIDA! ARGENTINO". Derniere at Folies Bergère, Paris.
External links
- Nicole Nau at
- Nicole Nau at
- Review of ¡El tango!: Pablo Gorlero, Técnica y espectacularidad, 29. Juli 2007, in: La Nación
- Video Clip Café de los Angelitos - El Tango© 2007 - 2010 por Guido Gayk y Nicole Nau & Luis Pereyra
- Video Clip El Color de mi Baile, Tango Chacarera y mas© 2009 por Guido Gayk y Nicole Nau & Luis Pereyra
- Café de los Angelitos
Source of article : Wikipedia